Procurement of 1397-174SDITC0327/16 Annual output of 2 million high-performance all-steel radial truck tire project (II)- Radial Tyre X-ray Inspection Machine(2)

2017-05-23   机电产品招标投标电子交易平台
Project Name:Annual output of 2 million high-performance all-steel radial truck tire project (II)- Radial Tyre X-ray Inspection Machine
Bidding NO :1397-174SDITC0327/16
Bidding Content:Annual output of 2 million high-performance all-steel radial truck tire project (II) Radial Tyre X-ray Inspection Machine
Bidding Agency:Shandong International Tendering Co.,Ltd
Purchasers:Tongli Tyre Co.,Ltd
Open-Time of Bids:2017-03-14 09:30
Data of Evaluation Result:2017-04-25 19:33 - 2017-04-28 23:59
Data of Bidding Result:2017-05-23 15:23
Final-Winner:Skilltone International Co., Ltd.
Manufacturer Country:Germany