Procurement of 0618-194TC190419C Medical support equipment procurement(2)

Project Name:Medical support equipment procurement
Bidding NO :0618-194TC190419C
Bidding Content:1. EKG Machine(I) 1 Set Ecg input: 12 lead synchronous acquisition, 10 electrodes, etc 2. EKG Machine(2) 1 Set Lead selection: automatic or manual 3. One set of defibrillator With manual defibrillation, ecg monitoring functions 4. One set of microscopes Temperature: 15 ~ 30, etc 5. One set of dehydrator Dehydration flux: 300 embedding boxes, etc 6. One invasive ventilator Scope of application: it is applicable to the rescue of infants, children and adults with critical illness and long-term ventilation treatment support 7. Two sets of robots Shape parameters: length width height (CM) : about 52 X 57 X 161 (CM), etc 8. One dual-energy X-ray bone mineral density meter Measurement site: left and right forearm (ulna, radius), 1/3 of forearm (radius, ulna) can be moved to adjust the site 9. One set of arteriosclerosis detector Power consumption: 200VA, etc 10. 9 sets of UPS power supply Suitable for computer, etc 11. One set of UPS power supply (ii) Capacity: 3000 VA, 2400 W, etc 12. intermittent pneumatic pressure system 2 sets Operation mode: continuous, etc 13. 15 micropumps Injection mode: simple speed setting mode: you can directly set the running speed on the main interface 14. 5 sets of infusion pumps Infusion mode: drip mode, time mode, volume mode, etc 15. One medical computer temperature controller Application: it is widely used in encephalitis, cerebral edema, cerebral hemorrhage, traumatic brain injury, cranial hypertension, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and high-fever convulsion, etc 16. Three linear accelerator doctor workstations It is used to delineate the target area and organs at risk in three-dimensional conformal and intensity modulated radiotherapy
Bidding Agency:China CNTC International Tendering Corporation
Open-Time of Bids:2019-04-09 14:00
Data of Evaluation Result:2019-04-11 16:40 - 2019-04-16 23:59
Data of Bidding Result:2019-04-23 00:23
Final-Winner:AVIC&SINOPHARM Medical Device Development(Beijing)Co.,Ltd
Manufacturer:Shenzhen mindray/China, etc
Manufacturer Country:China