Procurement of 2243-204THJD20007 High speed data communication system of Harbin University of Technology(1)

Project Name:High speed data communication system of Harbin University of Technology
Bidding NO :2243-204THJD20007
Bidding Content:High speed data communication system of Harbin University of Technology
Bidding Agency:tianhexiangmuguanliyouxiangongsi
Purchasers:harbn institote of technology
Open-Time of Bids:2020-06-23 09:00
Data of Evaluation Result:2020-06-23 16:05 - 2020-06-29 23:59
Data of Bidding Result:2020-07-04 00:04
Final-Winner:Beijing Broadfuture Technology
Manufacturer:National Instruments
Manufacturer Country:Malaysia