Procurement of 1548-214GJ2100006 The procurement project of fully automatic medical PCR instrument and supporting reagents (consumables) of the Second People's Hospital of Chenzhou City(1)

Project Name:The procurement project of fully automatic medical PCR instrument and supporting reagents (consumables) of the Second People's Hospital of Chenzhou City
Bidding NO :1548-214GJ2100006
Bidding Content:Automatic medical PCR machine, 1 set Matching reagents (consumables), 1 batch
Bidding Agency:Hunan Wuyi Tendering Co.,Ltd.
Purchasers:Chenzhou Second People's Hospital
Open-Time of Bids:2021-02-04 09:00
Data of Evaluation Result:2021-02-04 14:45 - 2021-02-08 23:59
Data of Bidding Result:2021-02-26 00:26
Final-Winner:Hunan Lingjia data Health lndu stry Co.,Ltd
Manufacturer:Saipei (Shanghai) Trading Co. Ltd.
Manufacturer Country:USA