Procurement of 1641-234551200309 Digang Conch 4# Nissan 7000t/d clinker production line needs to purchase grate cooler(2)

Project Name:Digang Conch 4# Nissan 7000t/d clinker production line needs to purchase grate cooler
Bidding NO :1641-234551200309
Bidding Content:The fourth generation of grate cooler (medium roller broken) ,1 set
Bidding Agency:Anhui Ahtech Lixin Engineering Management Company Limited
Purchasers:Anhui Conch Cement Co.,Ltd.
Open-Time of Bids:2023-02-24 10:30
Data of Evaluation Result:2023-03-16 10:06 - 2023-03-20 23:59
Data of Bidding Result:2023-03-21 14:21
Final-Winner:Tianjin Cement Industry Design & Research Institute Co.,Ltd
Manufacturer:Tianjin Cement Industrial Design & Research Institute Co. LTD
Manufacturer Country:China