Procurement of 0811-234DSITC0161 High performance liquid chromatography series mass spectrometer system(1)

Project Name:High performance liquid chromatography series mass spectrometer system
Bidding NO :0811-234DSITC0161
Bidding Content:High performance liquid chromatography series mass spectrometer system 3 sets
Bidding Agency:Shanghai Dongsong Healthcare & Technology Co.,Ltd.
Purchasers:shanghai jiaotong university
Open-Time of Bids:2023-03-20 16:00
Data of Evaluation Result:2023-03-24 17:36 - 2023-03-27 23:59
Data of Bidding Result:2023-03-28 17:28
Final-Winner:Shanghai Wisdom-Bay Science & Technology Corporation Limited
Manufacturer:AB Sciex Pte. Ltd.
Manufacturer Country:Singapore